Saturday, October 31, 2020


Find other tech and computer products like this over at Amazon UK's website. We also have some awards running across the bottom of the card. It also stands on another angle which is something a bit different. Find other tech and computer products like this over at Amazon's website. As we're in the holiday season, we have to say
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GeCube have always been one of our favorite ATI partners offering one of the cheaper cards on the market but not sacrificing quality. We have all the standard information on the front of the box, the brand at the top while the model raveon the bottom.

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GeCube Radeon X1800XT Graphics Card

Hopefully we will get a chance to look at the extreme version next year but in the mean time gecuve will be looking at this bad boy. It also stands on another angle which is something a bit different.

While the CD department was on the light side of things GECUBE managed to save themselves a bit with a good setup of cables and connectors to get you up and running straight away. We see mention of PCI Express 2. You can find products similar to this one for sale below. Find other gscube and computer products like this over at Amazon UK's website.

PassMark - GeCube RADEON - Price performance comparison

Find other tech and computer products like this over at Amazon Canada's website. Subscribe to our Newsletter. Subscribe to our Newsletter.

Turning the box over we have some more in depth details of the card and what the core can offer, along with some main features and contact information.

We haven't seen anything from GeCube around the labs in a while but now that a new card has made its way to our door step, we are glad to find that it's a brand spanking new XXT. You can find products similar to this one for sale below. Getting inside the box we have a simple series manual and a CD that just comes gadeon the driver for a number of operating systems.

GeCube Radeon X (AGP 8x, MB) Overview - CNET

We would rdeon liked to have seen a game included in the package but no doubt people prefer the pre-overclock and different cooling design. Find other tech and computer products like this over at Amazon Canada's website. Find other tech and computer products like this over at Amazon's website.

There is also a standard version with MB geecube two "Extreme" versions with an increased core and memory speed which utilize MB and MB of onboard memory.

Ultimately it doesn't matter which way it stands, but as long as the front is informative then that's the main thing. Find other tech and computer products like this over at Amazon's website. They have made some very cool products that have stood out over the past few years rafeon have just generally been an all round good graphics card product.

In our normal graphics card review fashion we will look at the package, the card and get onto what everyone is really interested in - the benchmarks. Find other tech and computer products like this over raceon Amazon UK's website.

As we're in the holiday season, we have to say We also have some awards running across the bottom of the card.

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